2023 Photos


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Views of the Mediaeval Forest.


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Wooden Birds, Bird Masks, Butterfly Rings, Painting the Castle, Clothespin Dolls, Coats of Arms, Magic Art, Crowns, Fans, Hand Puppets, Macaroni Necklaces, Power Bracelets, Renaissance Rubbings, Soapstone Carving, Shields, Solar Art, Wood Block Construction, Swords, Tunics, Magic Wands and Wooden Plaque Necklaces.


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Face Painting, Catapults, Chess, Fencing, Fortune Teller, Lavender Sachets & Spinning, Limberjack Puppets, Pirates’ Cannons and The Queen’s Parade.


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The Queen, The Knight, The Troll, The Mermaid, The Horse, The Wizard and the Town Crier.


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Pirates Skool, Pirates’ Parrots, Recorder Player, Pipers of the Northern Mines, Wind Instrument Trio, Guitar Player, Flute and Guitar Players, Harp Player, Chris the Bard Magic Show, Balloon Characters, Dancers and Izzy Tooinsky, Juggler and Storyteller.

Food Service

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More Visitors

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More Volunteers

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Contributors: Barbara Kroczak, Diana Pollack, Gold Country Photos, Jennifer Headrick, Kelly Kathleen, Lisa Dragnet, Megan Dale, Mimi G. Adel, Niraga Kimberly Cahill MacKillop, Roxy Williams, Shanti Emerson, Shelley Hornback